When reading about virtual reality being used in interior design, I came across this article, which I felt was relevant, as our last project involved creating an interior space suitable for dementia patients.

A Scottish architect known as David Burgher has recently developed a new virtual reality tool that mimics the visual impairments which are experience by dementia suffers. This too will help architects design a more suitable space.

David created this tool when working with researchers from the dementia Centre and a company based in Glasgow called Wireframe Immersive, to create the tool Virtual Reality Empathy Platform.

VR-EP kit comprises of a laptop with HD graphics, a virtual reality headset, games controller, camera and a software programme. The people who wear this headset can experience what a dementia patient sees in an interior, with regards to dimmer lighting. It is hope that this tool will show the correct lighting in which dementia suffers need, along with room layouts and way-finding.

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