5. Tips to Generate a Mood Board

1. Look beyond the digital world
Just because you are generating your mood board digitally doesn't mean you have to use images off the web, instead why not look at a magazine or book and take images from there. They can easily be scanned into the computer and added to your board. 

2. Take photographs
Capture pictures that inspire you, images that will help you pull a scheme together. Photograph any thing like birds or a brick wall, you will find something in what you see which well help generate a theme for your board.

3. Include your colour scheme
Having a colour scheme will make it easier to generate a mood board as colours set the tone. It will help when choosing the right images to create a feel for the space. 

4. Less is more.
When it comes to designing a mood board you don't want to over populate your board with too many images, but you also don't want it look unfinished with blank spaces. Instead look to other mood boards on websites such as Pinterest and see how others have found a happy medium. 

5. Try using different shapes
There are so many different styles of mood boards, you don't have to stick to square images try using geometric shapes for a change see what works for you. 


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