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Virtual reality offers architects "a whole new way of designing" I came across this article on in which it talks about bringing your designs to life with the use of virtual reality. This tool will allow architects and designers to create buildings & products in the 3D space around them.  VRtisan are a London based company who specilise in real-time architectural visualisation. They have created a video demonstrating the design process, which shows an architect using VR game-developer software Unreal Engine in combination with the HTC Vive headset and motion controllers.   In the video you will see a designer wearing a VR headset and using the hand-held controllers as an input device for Unreal Engine, allowing him to create walls, doors and furniture around him in 3D space. The forms can be tweaked and material finishes can be added while walking around and viewing the space. Using virtual reality to showcase designs is the next big thing

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